
For 3½ – 4½ years old

Learning about art and how to draw is like learning a new language with DISCOVER!

The ‘language’ of art begins with the recognition of lines and shapes. We show preschoolers how these lines and shapes can fit together to create a complete whole. Then we introduce them to the tools to do it for themselves.

Much of DISCOVER! centers around teaching our preschoolers to slow down, to focus, and to see — perhaps for the first time — how the world around them is put together. They learn how they can create recognizable forms from the ‘language’ of art they are learning.

DISCOVER! offers our students praise, support and direction, while we ask for their attention and willingness to perform their personal best. When it all comes together — and it does — the rewards are endless.

Please visit our Discover Gallery to see their original artworks.


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