A Whole New Mind

The Master of Fine Arts Degree Is Now the New M.B.A
SAN DIEGO BUSINESS JOURNAL, Posted date : 5/14/2007

New York Times

“How the rise of Aesthetic value is remaking commerce, culture and consciousness.Postrel argues that design and style are the major driving forces in commerce this days. Think iPod, Mountain bike and Swatch. That being the case. It would make sense to seek a high-level management job with a Masters of Fine Arts”.

Three Case

  1. Why do medical students at Yale School of Medicine need to study art?
  2. Why is Japan reconsidering their education policies?
  3. Is General Motors in the Art Business?

1. Why do medical students at Yale School of Medicine need to study art?
At the Yale School of Medicine, a spring tradition — a class that uses paintings to teach prospective doctors the art of observation — is winding down for the year. In its 11th year, “The Observational Skills Workshop,” a collaborative effort between the medical school and the Yale British Art Gallery, makes use of 19th-century Victorian paintings housed at the British Art Center to develop medical students’ eye for detail.

A Whole New Mind

2. Why is Japan reconsidering their education policies?
It is important for medical students to begin visually analyzing things early, said dermatology professor Irwin Braverman, who developed the class with British Art Center Curator of Education Linda Friedlaender. Typically, he said, it takes about five years after the end of residency for a doctor’s personal experiences in medicine to synergize with their medical school training — the point in their careers where their skills in visual analysis really emerge.

3. Is General Motors in the Art Business?
Japan has been experimenting with various methods of primary and secondary teaching, in an effort to prevent “cram education” and boost individual potential and ability to think. However, the new education guidelines as set forth by the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry have met with heavy criticism from education experts and parents who are concerned that the educational standards have fallen. The Central Education Council has argued that the current educational guidelines focus solely on outlining the minimal material to be covered at schools and dissuading teachers from teaching more difficult courses to advanced students. The head of the CEC, Yusuhiko Torii, has requested that the Ministry clearly state that teachers may teach courses outside the scope of the educational guidelines as well as shorten the summer vacation to allow for more lessons. The Ministry is expected to revise its guidelines before the start of the 2004 academic year.

“For individuals, families, and organizations, professional success and fulfillment now require a whole new mind”

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